Dr. Mark L Vinick, DC, CAS Logo

Distance Energy Healing

Dr Mark Vinick has been practicing energy healing since the early 1970’s. He has studied with a variety of teachers and subjects from many backgrounds, including; Massage Therapy, Polarity Therapy, Hands on Healing, Meditation, Prayer Therapy, Spiritual Healing, Etheric Psychic Surgery, Chiropractic, Reiki Master, Ayurveda, SVA Ayurvedic Marma Therapy, Mantra Healing, Chanting, Yantra Healing, Akashic Energy Healing, and many others.

 Beginning in his early 20’s when he was practicing massage therapy on the T.M. (Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Courses) in Europe, many commented that the energy that radiated from his hands was extremely powerful. That was his main motivating factor to become a Chiropractor. His personal Guru, M.K. Gandhi had him work on him numerous times over the years and stated, “God has given you a great gift in your hands”.


1972-1976 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi- I was made a Teacher of Transcendental Meditation in 1974.

1974-1987 Sir M.K. Gandhi- Vedic Astrologer, Spiritual Adept, Clairvoyant, and Spiritual Healer. I studied with Gandhiji personally and traveled with him to London, England and to India with him in 1980. He was my personal Guru.

1975-1990 Rev. Merrie Jungbluth- Spiritual Healer.

1982-1984 Rev. Bernice Osman- Spiritual Teacher, Prayer Healer, and Clairvoyant.

1982-Present Rev. Allan Osman- Spiritual Teacher, Prayer Healer, and Clairvoyant.

1982-1983 Rev. Joseph Martinez- Etheric Psychic Surgeon and Director of The Spiritual Healing Center of San Francisco. Received Certificates in Beginning and Intermediate Etheric Psychic Surgery.

1982-1983 Stanley Burroughs,”Author of “Healing for The Age of Enlightenment” and developer of the “Master Cleanse”. I received a Certificate from him in the Master Cleanse, Color Therapy (Chromotherapy), and Vita Flex Massage.

1983-1987 Los Angeles College of Chiropractic. Received Doctor of Chiropractic Degree in 1987.

1989-Present Mata Amritanandamayi, ie. Amma, the Hugging Saint. Spiritual Teacher and Humanitarian.

1991- Present Sri Karunamayi- Spiritual Teacher and Humanitarian.

1990-1991 Kathleen Milner, Reiki Master Teacher. Received Certificate as a “Reiki Master and Teacher”.

1997-2017 Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra- Ayurvedic Doctor, Product Formulator, Author, and developer of SVA Transdermal Marma Therapy. I co-authored a book on SVA Marma Therapy with Vaidya Mishra (unpublished), and was the main teacher of the SVA Spinal Marma Therapy at many of his seminars.

2000- 2003 Dr Marc Halpern, DC, Pioneer of Ayurveda in the West and Founder and Director of California College of Ayurveda. Co-founder of the California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine, the National Ayurvedic Medical Association, and the National Council on Ayurvedic Education. I received the Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist Degree (CAS) in 2004.

2022-2023 Dr Brynne E. Dippell, Ph.D. Master Healer/Teacher. Director of the Center for Akashic Healing. I received the Akashic Records Level 1 Certificate and the Certified Akashic Healer Certificate.


30-minute phone session $95.

Initial 30-minute phone session $65.

Sliding Scale available for those in need.

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Dr Mark Vinick

Subtotal: 65.00 USD

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Total: 65.00 USD